【WP8.x】网页浏览器 Opera Mini
本帖最后由 桥豆麻袋 于 2023-9-20 04:58 编辑【WP8.x】网页浏览器 Opera Mini
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【测试机型】诺基亚Lumia 920 WP8.1 Cyan
Opera Mini
SHA256: eb2aeedea560699c6eacd1d3e73c1147b4f8e35068a7e993bc585c7f5555ba71
Opera mini是一款挪威的OperaSoftware ASA制作的,用于在移动电话上使用的免费网络浏览器,可浏览万维网及WAP网站。该软件使用JAVA编写,适用于绝大多数支持J2ME JAVA的手机,以及采用JAVA语言作为开发平台的Android、BlackBerry OS和Palm OS。全球拥有约四千万用户,每月有超过二千万台Opera Mini上线,是市场占有率最大的移动浏览器。将来的Opera将可以利用NVidia Tegra芯片加速,可以更快速的加载矢量图片和影片,亦可以降低电源的使用
Opera Mini is a free web browser made by opera software ASA in Norway for use on mobile phones, which can browse the world wide web and WAP websites. The software is written in Java and is suitable for most mobile phones that support J2ME Java, as well as Android, BlackBerry OS and Palm OS that use java language as the development platform. With about 40 million users worldwide and more than 20 million Opera Mini online every month, it is the mobile browser with the largest market share. In the future, opera will be able to use NVIDIA Tegra chip to accelerate, load vector pictures and movies faster, and reduce the use of power supply
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