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[技术] 诺基亚N9版本号详解 ~~~



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本帖最后由 门卷一被子 于 2020-2-17 16:25 编辑

[转自CivilNet.cn] 诺基亚N9版本号详解 ~~~

There has been numerous questions and some misunderstanding on Harmattan version numbering so we thought it would be the right time to share some light in to the topic. It should be interesting and good to know information for developers.

N9版本号的格式是: XX.YYYY.WW-#_PR_VVV,其中:

1、XX是GSM 软件版本号 (SVN number),
2、YYYY 编译软件的年份,
3、WW 编译软件的周,
4、# 在WW周编译的软件候选版本的序列号;
5、VVV 软件编译时的不同配置代码(适用不同的国家和地区)。比如:001 欧洲, 003 中国, 005 东南亚太, 006 阿拉伯 ,007 阿根廷 , 009 欧洲-2

对于 Nokia N9 的SVN number 来说:

1、10 代表 Harmattan 1.0;
2、20 代表Harmattan 1.1,;
3、22 代表Harmattan 1.1.1 (Arabic) ;
4、30 代表 Harmattan 1.2.。

For Nokia N950 Developer Device the first SVN number 1 stands for Harmattan 1.0, number 2 stands for Harmattan 1.1 and 3 stands for Harmattan 1.2 beta.

A variant configuration within a release consists of same software code line but some application data, modules or applications them self may be in or out between variants. E.g., typical space consuming regional variable in devices is the pre-loaded maps data. The VVV variant codes are as following: 001 Europe, 003 China, 005 SEAP, 006 Arabic and 009 Europe-2 which is in fact almost identical to 001. Additionally to these listed variants, there are numerous country and operator specific variants with differences e.g., in selection of preloaded applications or operator specific needs.

The version number 3.2012.02-6_PR_003_RM680 can be read as ‘Harmattan PR 1.2 (beta) for Nokia N950 that was built week 2 of 2012, 6th release candidate during week 2, production image, Chinese variant for RM680 where RM680 is production code for Nokia N950’.

N950 和Nokia N9 已经发布的版本号如下(按照发布顺序):

Harmattan beta 1 for N950: 1.2011.22-6_PR_RM680 – Not supported and should not be used any more
Harmattan beta 2 for N950: 1.2011.34-2_PR_RM680 – Equivalent to Harmattan 1.0 001 variant for Nokia N9
Harmattan 1.0 for Nokia N9: 10.2011.34-1_PR_### – 001, 005, 009 and other variants, no 003 or 006 variants
Harmattan 1.1 for N950: 2.2011.39-5_PR_###_RM680 – Equivalent with 001 Harmattan 1.1 variants for Nokia N9
Harmattan 1.1 for Nokia N9: 20.2011.40-4_PR_### – 001, 003, 005, 009 and other variants
Harmattan 1.1.1 for Nokia N9: 22.2011.44-2_PR_### – 006 and other Arabic regional variants, not available for 001, 003, 005, 009 and other equivalent variants
Harmattan 1.2 beta for N950: 3.2012.##-#_PR_RM680 - Available soon, release # not disclosed yet.
Harmattan 1.2 for Nokia N9: 30.2012.##-#_PR_### - Available later on all variants, release # not disclosed yet.

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