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【N9通话录音 Call Recorder】
* 0.0.9 beta
* Share recorded files via email and bluetooth return back
* Support voice recording from SIP, GTalk and Skype account
* Support limit number of files in recorded files list
* Support delete multiple recorded files
* Add "Change the store folder" option (allow user can change the store folder from /home/user/MyDocs/.CallRecorder to /home/user/CallRecorder or vice versa)
* Add "Auto fetching contact name" option (allow user can mapping phone number with contact name (display name) in Contacts)
* Add Search box in recorded files list
* Change recorded file pattern from <PhoneNumber/IM id>_<In/Out>_<10DigitsNumber>.WAV to <PhoneNumber/IM id>_<In/Out>_<Date>-<Time>.WAV (e.g 900_Out_20120401-153045.wav)
+ Date format = yyyyMMdd (e.g 20120401)
+ Time format = hhmmss (e.g 153045)
* Minor bugs fixed
* 0.0.8 beta
* Fix for Russia wrong translation (thanks Dmitry <hhrhhr@gmail.com>)
* Autostart bugs fixed
* 0.0.7 beta
* Back to use hidden folder : /home/user/MyDocs/.CallRecorder
* Features added : native playback, write a note
* Features removed : share (sorry, it don't return back until pr1.3 get fixed that bug related to hidden folder).
* 0.0.6 beta
* Fix some bugs related to PR1.2 (problems with hidden folder).
* Changed the folder from /home/user/MyDocs/.CallRecorder to /home/user/MyDocs/CallRecorder
* 0.0.5 beta
* Changed input device to pulseaudio
* Recordings files moved to MyDocs/.CallRecorder folder, Music Player will not show them anymore.
+ Added service autostart option
+ Added file save confirmation dialog option
+ Added Russian translation
+ Added Turkey translation
* 0.0.4 beta
+ Added share feature.
+ Added AMR codec (3GPP TS 26.073) | file extension : 3GP
+ Added AAC codec (MPEG-1 Audio Layer 3) | file extension : MP3
+ Record file sample changed to <PhoneNumber>_<In/Out>_<10DigitsNumber>.WAV (e.g 900_Out_0123456789.wav)
+ Added donation link ;)
* 0.0.3 beta
+ Record file sample changed to <PhoneNumber>_<In/Out>_<4DigitsNumber>.WAV (e.g 900_Out_0001.wav)
+ Added channel options for audio codecs : mono/stereo
* 0.0.2 alpha
+ Added Open/Delete menu items on the record files list
+ Open one record file by use Music app
+ Added fast scroll to the record files list
+ Record file sample changed to <PhoneNumber>_<Datetime>.WAV
+ Added two options:
++ Audio output format ()
++ Recording notification ()
* 0.0.1 alpha
+ Basic controller UI
+ Phone service
+ Record service
三横菜单中limit number of files显示文件数量,一个月,二个月,三个月。。。。。
delete files就是删除和批量删除
点击录音后play share... delete播放 共享发送 删除
第一个按钮manually start services可随时手动启用或关闭录音进程(点start启用它)
第二个按钮autosart services开机自启(当然是点enable启用)
下面audio output farmat是录音输出格式选择(aac就是mp3格式,但建议选择amr,文件最小同时录音非常清晰)
再下面file save option是文件保存选项,默认不需要改
(just save无提示自动保存通话录音,notify after save挂断后提示保存,ask before save保存前询问是否需要保存)
再下面change the store foler改变录音保存文件夹路径
最下面auto fetching contact name录音记录自动以联系人显示而不是只有号码(开启后会提示记录可能显示缓慢)