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【N9游戏:毛毛球消除 Fling】
此游戏由Miniclip出品。产品免费使用。和Fuzzle同个开发者的最新益智小游戏终于和大家见面了! 游戏由10,000个独一无二的谜题组成,你不会找到任何重复的谜题,分布在30道关卡中,游戏难度由简到难递增,可爱的毛球游戏定会让你爱不释手! 每个谜题都有一个唯一的解决办法,思考后通过屏幕触摸把一个毛球抛向另外一个,被撞击的毛球会滚出屏幕,最后只剩下一个毛球视为胜利过关。
Featuring 10,000s of unique puzzles, such that no two puzzles you encounter are ever the same, and split into 19 levels of increasing difficulty, Fling guarantees you many long hours of puzzling fun!
Each puzzle has a single, unique solution, and is solved by simply flinging (pushing) the furballs, and watching them bump each other off the edge of the screen, until only one is left.