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[Others综合] 佳明Fenix5X Fenix6X Garmin 手表港版英文版如何导入地图



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最新的2023年4月3日的地图,在下面,回复后可以下载。 大概1G。




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In PC games, we could pause or resume
when it is not what we want;
Or choose to sleep in an inn
if we die in an mount.

However, in real life,
I tried very hard, only to find
there is no resume or pause key
but tragedy and misery long vined.

26 个回复

In PC games, we could pause or resume
when it is not what we want;
Or choose to sleep in an inn
if we die in an mount.

However, in real life,
I tried very hard, only to find
there is no resume or pause key
but tragedy and misery long vined.
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这是最新版的地图。 欢迎下载。塞班论坛什么都有。
In PC games, we could pause or resume
when it is not what we want;
Or choose to sleep in an inn
if we die in an mount.

However, in real life,
I tried very hard, only to find
there is no resume or pause key
but tragedy and misery long vined.
回复 使用道具 举报


拷贝完后,断开连接,按住右侧中间按键三四秒,出现 add 字样。

In PC games, we could pause or resume
when it is not what we want;
Or choose to sleep in an inn
if we die in an mount.

However, in real life,
I tried very hard, only to find
there is no resume or pause key
but tragedy and misery long vined.
回复 使用道具 举报
佳明 Fenix6X Garmin fenix 6x pro手表 港版 英文版如何导入地图,这应该是全网唯一。剩下的都是英文的。
In PC games, we could pause or resume
when it is not what we want;
Or choose to sleep in an inn
if we die in an mount.

However, in real life,
I tried very hard, only to find
there is no resume or pause key
but tragedy and misery long vined.
回复 使用道具 举报
In PC games, we could pause or resume
when it is not what we want;
Or choose to sleep in an inn
if we die in an mount.

However, in real life,
I tried very hard, only to find
there is no resume or pause key
but tragedy and misery long vined.
回复 使用道具 举报
In PC games, we could pause or resume
when it is not what we want;
Or choose to sleep in an inn
if we die in an mount.

However, in real life,
I tried very hard, only to find
there is no resume or pause key
but tragedy and misery long vined.
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pycdhl 司令 2023-4-7 18:04:59
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pycdhl 发表于 2023-4-7 18:04

henyihan hanyihan 很遗憾
In PC games, we could pause or resume
when it is not what we want;
Or choose to sleep in an inn
if we die in an mount.

However, in real life,
I tried very hard, only to find
there is no resume or pause key
but tragedy and misery long vined.
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wwwshuguo 司令 2023-4-12 10:16:58
这个居然没有人支持?难道fenxi 6x这么不流行了?
In PC games, we could pause or resume
when it is not what we want;
Or choose to sleep in an inn
if we die in an mount.

However, in real life,
I tried very hard, only to find
there is no resume or pause key
but tragedy and misery long vined.
回复 使用道具 举报
In PC games, we could pause or resume
when it is not what we want;
Or choose to sleep in an inn
if we die in an mount.

However, in real life,
I tried very hard, only to find
there is no resume or pause key
but tragedy and misery long vined.
回复 使用道具 举报
In PC games, we could pause or resume
when it is not what we want;
Or choose to sleep in an inn
if we die in an mount.

However, in real life,
I tried very hard, only to find
there is no resume or pause key
but tragedy and misery long vined.
回复 使用道具 举报
In PC games, we could pause or resume
when it is not what we want;
Or choose to sleep in an inn
if we die in an mount.

However, in real life,
I tried very hard, only to find
there is no resume or pause key
but tragedy and misery long vined.
回复 使用道具 举报
回复 使用道具 举报

In PC games, we could pause or resume
when it is not what we want;
Or choose to sleep in an inn
if we die in an mount.

However, in real life,
I tried very hard, only to find
there is no resume or pause key
but tragedy and misery long vined.
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